Portrait Paintings
Title: Mermaid
36in by 30in
Andrew's most recent abstract portrait. A focus on the softer, and more subtle.
Asking Price: $200
Title: No Face
18in by 12in
One of Andrew's earliest abstract portraits. Working only with strandard colors to acheive value and depth.
Asking Price: Not for sale
Title: Princess
Acrylic, Glitter
40in by 30in
A study of Andrew's interests at the time. Glitter and iridescent was the focus.
Asking Price: $100
Title: Program
40in by 30in
Heavily influenced by social media and the millenials need to be "insta famous".
Asking Price: $150
Title: Sophie
40in by 30in
A portrait that was a study in blending and softness within the expressive colors.
Asking Price: $100
Title: Thread
Fabric and Embroidery
18in by 12in
Completely made from fabric and thread. This was a study in fabric manipulation.
Asking Price: $100